Lindy Morgan C4C Associate

Lindy became involved with Gather as a volunteer in 2018, after chairing the Barrington Chapter of End 68 Hours of Hunger for 5 years. She quickly discovered the new Food Repurposing Program, which is now Cooking 4 Community. As the program grew, so did our need for more cooking space. With a revived partnership with Crossroads House, Lindy happily came out of 10 years of retirement to run the kitchen. She owned and operated Calef’s Country Store for 17 years previously. Her father instilled in her a deep-seated belief that no one should be hungry in this country and when we do well, we must give back.  

Lindy is on the Board of Just Us Chickens Artist Cooperative in Kittery and enjoys doing felted fiber art. She loves to garden and kayak from her cottage on the Bellamy River.